How to organise your work as a startup founder

Mar 2 / Flavia Richardson
When founding a startup, one of the biggest challenges you will have is being properly organised. Running a new business is unlike joining a current business. There is no template for how things are done. Instead, you need to build the template! So, if you want to make sure that you can organise the work that your business carries out each day, here are some useful tips. These could help you to spend less time stressing, and more time being productive within the workplace. How, then, can you organise things accordingly? 

Set clear and regular meeting times. If you are working with other people already, then it makes sense to set a milestone meeting time. This should be a session where each member involved can give their opinion, offer their insight, and give some expertise. This is a useful time for any concerns and issues to be raised, too, so that you can all work together to solve the problems at hand. Set those clear meeting times, and stick to them. These meetings will define where your startup is succeeding and where more focus is going to be needed in the long-term. 

Focus on creating guidelines 

When you start to bring in people to work as part of your startup, you want them to have a clear guideline to follow. Therefore, you should look to make a clear guideline process for how things will be done. Developing handbooks for staff makes sense, as does going down the route of creating resources for each process you undertake. For example, your sales team should have a set of guidelines used that can inform them of how to manage situations. The same goes for customer support. These guidelines help to set standards from the get-go. 

Use proven organisational tools. You can also make it easier for everyone to follow the workflow of your business by using tools like Monday. These organisational tools mean that you can easily create links to things like jobs that need to be done, client tasks that need to be evaluated, and also set clear deadlines. Then, everyone knows what they are working on, when it has to be finished for, and what the next step(s) will be with regards to finishing that particular project. 

Set a transparent process 

When you start to bring in people to work as part of your startup, you want them to have a clear guideline to follow. Therefore, you should look to make a clear guideline process for how things will be done. Developing handbooks for staff makes sense, as does going down the route of creating resources for each process you undertake. For example, your sales team should have a set of guidelines used that can inform them of how to manage situations. The same goes for customer support. These guidelines help to set standards from the get-go. 

Transparency translates to your behaviour as a founder with team members, so adopting different approaches to connect with your employees or having double standards, could also require an evaluations. 

Use proven organisational tools. You can also make it easier for everyone to follow the workflow of your business by using tools like Monday. These organisational tools mean that you can easily create links to things like jobs that need to be done, client tasks that need to be evaluated, and also set clear deadlines. Then, everyone knows what they are working on, when it has to be finished for, and what the next step(s) will be with regards to finishing that particular project. 


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