Feb 24

How startup founders stay sane in critical situations

When you take the risk of starting your own business, it is only natural to feel stressed out. Running your own company is by no means easy, and for many it can seem incredibly daunting to take on. If you are in this position, you might wonder about how you can stay sane. Here are some simple tips that you could use to help you better understand how to stay sane during times of stress. From supplier problems to a reputational disaster, here are some useful tips to keep your cool at all times.

Always have a clear list of priorities. When starting a startup, or running a new startup, the list of tasks that you have to handle each day can feel endless. To help you better manage the issues at hand, you should set a clear and specific list of priorities. So, you should try and always build a list of priorities each Friday that you can then tackle as soon as you come in on Monday.

This gives each day a greater focus and ensures that you can stay on-point. This avoids each week starting with problems you were not prepared for. Understand who your clients should be. A big cause of stress for a new business is trying to land clients. When someone comes along – anyone – you will do what you can to get their business. Yet chasing everyone and anyone can lead to having too many incompatible clients. This leads to disputes, stress, cancellations, refunds, and reputational damage.
By making sure you know who your clients should be, you can make sure your business does not try and target the wrong kind of business. By being pickier about clientele, you avoid getting stressed out by taking on too many clients that you cannot truly help. Locate a de-stressing mechanism  

Locate a de-stressing mechanism

When you run a business, you can find it hard to switch off and think about anything else. However, if you want to stay sane during those tough negotiations and business processes, you need something to de-stress over. We recommend you find something that can help you to de-stress such as finding a form of exercise you enjoy.
Other good options involve things like joining a local sports league, taking up a hobby such as drawing or writing, or even getting involved in mindfulness techniques such as meditation. Your days are very stressful; finding even an hour or two per day that is not work-focused is essential to your well-being.

Find someone you can vent to. As a founder you should look to try and find other founders who are in similar but not the same industry. Not only could they be good long-term partners, but they make a good choice to turn to when you need to vent. If you need to get something off your chest, then you should definitely look to find someone you can turn to.Running a business is a unique process, and most of your friends/family might not understand the stress you face.

Someone running a startup, though, absolutely understands you.Focus on the above, and you can find it easier to stay in control and avoid the kind of mental stress that has been building. Startup founders are under incredible pressure; this helps you to make sure that during periods of peak stress you can still let loose a little and stay in control.  


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